How Clicker Training Can Be Effective

When you are trying to teach your family pet basic commands, clicker dog training is one of the most effective tools that you can use for controlling a dog’s behavior. It can be used to reinforce those behaviors that you want your pet to repeat…and to help stop them from doing things that you are not happy about.

Clicker training takes very little time to master and you can use it to teach your dog nearly anything you desire.

How Clicker Training Works

Your dog can hear the sound of a clicker from 20 plus yards away. The idea is that you are teaching your dog to associate the sound of the clicker with a specific command you give. The goal of the training is to reward desirable behavior with the sound of the clicker.

Obviously clicker dog training does not start with a clicker. Your dog must first be taught that the clicker is a reward for good behavior. This can be done with a bag of treats and a simple, two dollar clicker you can purchase from your local pet store.

It is important that you use a clicker in this instance and to reinforce to the dog that he will never hear that clicker other than to tell him that he did a good job and that a treat is on the way.

How To Be Successful at Clicker Training

There are three basic steps to get your dog to respond to training via a clicker. First, you will get the desired behavior – convincing your dog to do something that you want. It may be sitting, speaking, or whatever other commands you are trying to get him to learn. Once you’ve gotten them to perform the desired behavior, mark it with the clicker and a reward.

It usually only takes a couple of markings before a dog learns what the correct behavior was and he will start repeating it whenever you use the clicker. Clicker dog training works well because he will immediately respond, allowing you to reward him and immediately reinforce the positive behavior in his mind. A verbal command will take some time to get through.

Once your dog has performed the desired command and received his reward, continue to reinforce the positive behavior you want from them as much as possible. Treats do not have to be used every time. Praise works just as well.

Whenever you are about to use the clicker, say the command and then click, followed by the reward. The dog will quickly learn the command you are trying to get him to perform.

Transitioning to a Command

Once the dog has learned the behavior, clicker dog training will allow you to be able to transition to a spoken command that can be used anywhere, even when a clicker is not available.

Eventually, with successful clicker training, a dog will respond to a verbal cue and at that moment you need to praise him for the action and then they will learn it. Treats or praise will no longer be necessary and the dog will simply know that the action has pleased you, his owner.

With a simple, sharp command, you can mark and reinforce nearly any behavior with clicker training.

Peace and Love are present in my world now,

Lovin Pet Care
Melanie Lovett

Effective Crate Training for Your Puppy

You just adopted a dog and now you’re wondering how to train him. That’s a great question. Dog owners everywhere have figured out how to keep their dogs in a crate or separate room when they leave the house so they can help reduce the dog’s anxiety, destructive behavior and barking.

The Value of a Crate to a Dog

Most dogs love their crates. When dogs are in the wild, they will seek out a small space to burrow in that will keep them warm and safe. A crate gives them these options that are theirs alone.

How to Crate Train a Dog

It is usually best to crate train your dog as a puppy. A full grown dog may grow anxious if he has never been in a crate and may have a harder time adjusting. A puppy may be upset but will probably adapt much quicker.

The best place to crate your puppy is in a room that will be occupied by members of your family, such as living room or family room. At bedtime, you should put the crate in the same room as you to help alleviate anxiety. After several weeks you should be able to keep the puppy in one room but initially keep them close to you so he can remain calm and feel safe.

Make sure he has a comfortable place to sleep, clean water, and one or two of his favorite toys nearby. The crate only need be big enough for him to sleep in because if he has too much space to wander around he may make a mess. For purposes of crate training, he doesn’t need too much extra space.


When you are learning how to crate train your dog, make sure to leave him in there if he gets upset. Otherwise he will learn that if he cries and makes a fuss, you’ll give him attention. It is suggested not let him out until he has been quiet for at least 5 minutes. At that point, you can greet him with a lot of attention and even a treat to reinforce his good behavior.

When you first begin crate training, try to leave the puppy in the crate for an hour or two at a time. Once he is older, you should be able to increase that time for a full night of sleep.

As long as you learn how to crate train a dog properly, you can have peace of mind knowing your dog will never get too loud, destructive, or anxious when you have to be away from home. A puppy will adapt quicker too, which will make the process much easier for everyone in your family.

Peace and Love are present in my world now,

Lovin Pet Care
Melanie Lovett