The Sad Truth about Greyhounds

As a long-time Floridian, I am embarrassed to point out to you that my state is one of the few nationwide that still participates in greyhound racing. But it does give me immense satisfaction to add the fact that Florida also lost between $1 and $3.3 million in 2012 on Greyhound racing.

As hard as it is to believe, Greyhound racing for some is still a big business.

Only a select few become racing dogs and greyhounds actually begin their lives on breeding farms. Unfortunately for those chosen, they spend 20 or more hours a day stacked in double-decker cages in warehouse-style kennels.

Can you believe that greyhound racing still exists in seven states? Out of 21 tracks in America, 12 are right here in the Sunshine State of Florida. There actually is a law in Florida that requires gambling institutions to maintain and run dog racing facilities. Should I repeat that because you are having a hard time comprehending that last sentence? You read it right but in it’s absurdity it’s worth repeating. There actually is a law in Florida that requires gambling institutions to maintain and run dog racing facilities. . Put another way you must, by law, race dogs if you want to run a gambling institution.

Even though we are still in the beginning of 2021, there have been 18 Greyhound deaths at Florida race tracks.

For ideas on how you can help stop greyhound racing, please go to:

Please do your part to end the “sport” of greyhound racing!

Peace and Love are present in my world now,

Lovin Pet Care

Melanie Lovett